Books for Systematic Study

Systematic training in Lutheran theology comes at various depths, depending on people’s previous backgrounds. The books listed below offer something for those at all levels of maturity.

Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions, 2nd ed. (CPH, 2006) is the best currently available version of the Book of Concord which contains these confessions. It includes a modern translation of the confessions, the background of each confession, and numerous historical illustrations. Available: CPH, NPH & Amazon/(pr&eb)

Simply Lutheran (NPH, 2020) presents in a more personal style the Lutheran teachings and how they fit together. Most Bible verses are presented in full in the footnotes, so they are readily available without interrupting the flow of the text. Simply Lutheran puts the picture of salvation together from both the divine and human viewpoints. Author: Arthur Eggert. Available: NPH, Amazon/(pr&eb) & B&N/(eb)

A Summary of Christian Doctrine, 3rd ed. (CPH, 2006) has been the gold standard for systematic teaching of Christian doctrine to the laity. It takes the teachings of the Small Catechism to the next level of understanding. Author: Edward Koehler. Available: CPH & Amazon/(pr&eb)

Grace Abounds (NPH, 2015) is a thorough examination of Christian doctrine. Using a Lutheran framework, the author points out that every Christian doctrine is related to God's saving grace in Christ and that each of these doctrines is practical for the Christian's faith and life. Author: Daniel Deutschlander Available: NPH, Amazon/(pr&eb) & B&N/(eb)

Confessing the Gospel (2017) gives the layperson the ability to study theology more deeply, yet with sufficient understanding to make it a profitable experience. While these volumes are not for everyone, they represent the clearest doctrinal set currently available. Numerous theologians contributed to their preparation. Available: CPH & Amazon/(eb)

The Lutheran Difference (CPH, 2014). Although not as deep as Confessing the Gospel, this book is a very useful reference for the various doctrines when a more complete knowledge of them is needed or desired. Available: CPH & Amazon/(pr&eb)