Books from Concordia Publishing House

The Lutheran Study Bible

The Lutheran Study Bible was developed by CPH to give accurate verse-by-verse commentary on the biblical text in footnotes on the same page as the text. There are introductions to each book, as well as introductions to chapters and sub-chapters in the footnotes. Additional aids include a biblical timeline, lectionaries, and Luther's Small Catechism. The text of the Bible is the English Standard Version. General Editor: Edward A. Engelbrecht. Available from CPH, NPH, Amazon, & Barnes & Noble.

The Lutheran Confessions

This reader's edition of the Lutheran Confessions is complete with a modern translation of the Book of Concord and extensive introductory sections explaining the history and the significance of all the various confessions. It is illustrated with woodcuts and paintings of the period of the Lutheran Reformation. A timetable of the events of the Reformation is also included. General Editor: Paul T. McCain. Available from CPH, NPH, & Amazon.

Lutheran Bible Companion I

This volume of the Bible companion covers the Old Testament of the Holy Scriptures. Each book has a historical and cultural introduction, including key features contained in the book. This is followed by an outline of the book and a summary of its doctrinal content. Next, the chapters are grouped and summarized. There are comments by Martin Luther and John Gerhard on each Bible book. General Editor: Edward A. Engelbrecht. Available from CPH & Amazon.

Lutheran Bible Companion II

This volume of the Bible companion covers the New Testament of the Holy Scriptures and the Apocrypha. Each book has a historical and cultural introduction, including key features contained in the book. This is followed by an outline of the book and a summary of its doctrinal content. Next, the chapters are grouped and summarized. There are comments by Luther and Gerhard on each Bible book. General Editor: Edward A. Engelbrecht. Available from CPH & Amazon.

Treasury of Daily Prayer

This book is a major resource for daily personal or family devotions. It has devotional materials for each day of the calendar year. Each day has a portion of a psalm, old Testament reading, a New Testament reading, a writing by a historical Lutheran theologian, a hymn stanza, a prayer, and a suggested reading from the Lutheran Confessions. General Editor: Scot A. Kinnaman. Available from CPH, & Amazon.

Concordia's Bible History

This book can easily be the center of family devotions for many years. It contains 143 key Bible stories in clear text following the scriptural accounts. It also contains questions to aid younger children in understanding the stories, a memory verse, a hymn stanza, and suggested catechism review. While intended for children, it is also a good book for adults to review their Bible history. Editor: Rodney Rathmann. Available from CPH, NPH, & Amazon,

Will the Real Jesus Stand Up?

When the name "Jesus" is mentioned, Lutherans expect that the speaker is talking about the Jesus of the Bible. That is often not the case. Many groups and individuals have reengineered Jesus to serve a completely different agenda than saving people from their sins. The author gives case studies in which a phony Jesus is presented and shows how the real Jesus differs from him. Author: Matthew Richard. Available at CPH & Amazon.

Broken: 7 "Christian" Rules that Every Christian Ought to Break

Every Christian desires to follow Jesus and live a life that is pleasing to God. That sounds simple, but what should a person actually do? Sadly, there are many nominally Christian spiritual leaders who are happy to supply seemingly good "rules" that lead people away from Christ and into relying on themselves to improve their lives and become their own saviors. The author exposes these frauds. Author: Jonathan Fisk. Available at CPH & Amazon.