
Lutheran synods tend to publish their own hymnals, which are similar in design and content, each having several liturgies and numerous worship aids. All of them contain many solid Lutheran hymns, as well as hymns from other sources. It is usually desirable to select a hymnal to use in personal and home devotions that is also used in your local congregation for continuity in wording and in hymn numbering.

Christian Worship Hymnal (NPH, 2021). Available: NPH

Christian Worship - A Lutheran Hymnal (NPH, 1993). Available: NPH

The Lutheran Service Book (CPH, 2006). Available: CPH

The Lutheran Hymnal (CPH, 1941). Available: CPH

My First Hymnal (CPH, 2011) is a hymnal to teach younger children how to sing God’s praise. It has numerous hymns to which children can relate, as well as prayers and other worship materials. Author: David Johnson. Available: CPH

Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary (ELS, 1996). Available: Bethany