Books and Bible Studies by Kremer


Living for Jesus

Written in an interesting and understandable way, these devotions help children establish a firm foundation on the Word of God. The various chapters concentrate on different themes such as Prayer, God’s Blessings, Sharing Our Faith, and Standing Boldly. The devotions are apologetic oriented, teaching children not only what we believe but why we believe it. Author: Reynold R. Kremer. Available from Kremer.

The Christian Living in Today's World

It’s no doubt that every Christian feels the world moving in a wrong direction—fast! This quick read takes a close look at what is happening in education, technology, politics, and family life. As Christians, we are told that hostility toward us and our families will be the norm, not the exception. Author: Reynold R. Kremer. Available from Kremer.

Bible Studies

Egypt to Cannan

This Bible study follows God’s chosen people as they undertake the longest journey in history. What began as the trip of a lifetime soon became the trip that lasted a lifetime. This six session course provides insight into God’s plans, providence, and patience during the Israelites’ return to the Promised Land. Over 35 pages tell of the trials and triumphs from the plagues to the Red Sea, and from Mount Sinai to Jericho. This series also provides lasting lessons for ourselves. Includes charts, maps and insightful discussion topics. Available from Kremer.

Wisdom: A Gift

This study provides insight into the Wisdom Literature of the Bible — with special emphasis on the book of Proverbs, a remarkable collection of gems that provide practical advice for daily living. It covers such timely topics as marriage, parents, and children. In addition, there are lessons on personal finance, on business and commercial practices and on government and citizenship. Available from Kremer.