Books on Apologetics

Apologetics is the defense of the Christian faith with reasoning rooted in the Scriptures. The following books can be helpful for that purpose.

30-Lesson Apologetics Study (CPH, 2009). This book gives a topical approach to the major issues of the Christian faith. It can be helpful for those trying to fit the big pieces of faith together. Available: CPH & Amazon.

Clearing a Path for the Gospel (In Terra Pax, 2019). This book explains the scriptural, logical, and scientific underpinnings of apologetics so that it can be used to remove obstacles to faith. Authors: Arthur Eggert & Geoffrey Kieta. Available: NPH, CPH, Amazon/(pr&eb), B&N/(pr&eb), & Lulu/(pr&eb).

The Defense Never Rests, 2nd ed. (CPH, 2015). This book was written by a practicing attorney and discusses his journey from unbelief to the Lutheran Church and the issues that he encountered along the way. Author: Craig Parton. Available: CPH, Amazon/(pr&eb), & B&N.

Prepared to Answer (NPH, 2004). This book gives biblically sound answers to issues that Christians often face, either in their own musings or as challenges to their faith from others. Autnor: Mark Paustian. Available: NPH, Amazon/(pr&eb), & B&N/(eb).

More Prepared to Answer (NPH, 2004). This book gives additional biblically sound answers to issues that Christians often face, either in their own musings or as challenges to their faith from others. Author: Mark Paustian. Available: NPH, Amazon/(pr&eb), & B&N/(eb).

Your Questions, Scripture’s Answers (NPH, 2013). This book also addresses issues that Christians often face, either in their own musings or as challenges to their faith from others and gives biblically sound answers. Author: John Brug. Available: NPH, Amazon/(pr&eb), & B&N/(eb).