Resources for Personal and Family Devotions 

The editors of In Terra Pax Lutheran Publishing recommend the materials on this set of subpages for use in personal Bible study and family devotions. Some of these materials are described in greater detail with pictures on other pages of this website, but they are presented here for easier comparison when trying to select materials.

The materials listed are in print format, but if they are also available in e-format, links to them in that format are provided. Publishers and sellers referenced are Concordia Publishing House (CPH), Northwestern Publishing House (NPH), Amazon, Barnes and Noble (B&N), Kremer, and Lulu. Links are assumed to be to print books unless "/(eb)" is used to indicate an e-book or "/(pr&eb)" is used to indicate both.

An overview booklet about home Bible study and devotions is “The Lutheran family Altar” (In Terra Pax, 2023) available from Lulu.