Books by In Terra Pax Authors

Clearing a Path for the Gospel: A Lutheran Approach to Apologetics 

Everywhere that Lutherans go in the secular world today, they find their faith challenged. There are tremendous pressures to conform to the political environment and to accept social and scientific theories without question. To combat this onslaught of misinformation and to defend their faith, even lay Lutherans need a depth of knowledge that was unimagined only decades ago. The authors of this book have been in the fray and understand what is needed to withstand the attacks on the Christian faith on a range of subjects. Authors: Arthur A. Eggert & Geoffrey A. Kieta. Available at NPH, CPH, Amazon & Barnes & Noble.

Simply Lutheran: A Practical Guide to Lutheran Teachings

This book follows in the tradition of Martin Luther in making the teachings of the church available in clear form for the laity. It is not a catechism, but rather a book which places the ideas and terms of Lutheranism into a cohesive format. It was written by a layman for laypeople. It is ideal for new confirmands, both adults and teens, for those teaching Sunday school and for those teaching their own children. It can help laypeople overcome their fear of talking about their faith to others. As such, it should be a foundation stone of every Lutheran library. Author: Arthur Eggert. Available at NPH, Amazon & Barnes & Noble.

Christian, Lutheran, Confessional

Many people find history boring and confusing. As a result they are ignorant of important information that they need to understand the teachings and practices of the Lutheran church. This book is short enough to be read by laypeople but detailed enough to give them an understanding of how the Christian church developed, why the Lutheran Reformation was necessary, and why subsequently people dedicated to the work of the reformers have come to call themselves "Confessional Lutherans." Author: Arthur Eggert. Available at NPH, Amazon & Barnes & Noble.

Creation: In the Beginning and Afterward

The Bible describes creation as part of God's eternal plan and as an integral part of his plan of salvation for mankind. This book looks at creation from God's viewpoint. It shows him formulating his decree of creation and then implementing it in the opening chapters of Genesis. It examines other references to his creation throughout the Scriptures and his continuing acts of creation to sustain what he has begun. It looks specifically at God's acts of creation with respect to his plan of salvation for a fallen mankind. Finally, it discusses the end of the present creation and the creation of a new heaven and a new earth. It concludes by considering man's reaction to the creation account, both positive and negative, and what the Christian should say to those who challenge that account. Author: Arthur Eggert. Available at NPH, Amazon & Barnes & Noble.

A Lutheran Looks at Methodists & Holiness Churches

Lutherans frequently encounter members of other Christian churches and are curious what they believe. NPH developed a series of books on other Christian churches, of which this book on Methodism is a good example. In it, the author discusses one of the largest Reformed churches of the last three hundred years, a parent church which has spawned numerous children. All of these churches teach the importance of improving one's personal piety to enhance one's standing before God. Author: Geoffrey A. Kieta. Available at NPH & Amazon.

The Lutheran Family Altar

The whole invisible church is the family of the Lord and, as such, it gathers for worship services in local churches. The Lord, however, desires a closer relationship with each of us and the people with whom we live. He wants us to study his Word so as to grow in the knowledge of and faith in the saving message. 

This booklet has been written to provide a guide to the available resources for conducting personal Bible study and family devotions. It also gives formats that can be used to organize these activities for those who are inexperienced or who seek alternatives to their current routine. Author: Arthur Eggert. Available from Lulu

Ein Deutsches Lutherisches Gesangbuch

This hymnal is completely in the German language, but not in German script. It contains only hymns written in German by orthodox Lutherans and a few older hymns written in Latin and brought into German early in the Reformation period. The hymns have solid theological content which Martin Luther believed was essential for training the laity to know and understand the teachings of God's Word. It has 211 hymns with the names of the melodies, Luther's Small Catechism, and prayers.

It is intended for home devotions, small groups of Germans who gather to worship, and pastors who need to minister to those for whom the German language holds a special spiritual meaning. Editor: Arthur Eggert. Available from Lulu.

The editors of In Terra Pax are looking for new authors who share our passion to educate laypeople in God's Word and the gestalt of the Lutheran Church and, in the process, to aid them in dealing with the non-Christian world in which we live. Books and other materials must be consistent with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions and will be reviewed for doctrinal integrity and compatibility with our purpose. For more information, please contact our editorial office at