In Terra Pax Lutheran Publishing

In Terra Pax Lutheran Publishing is a small organization dedicated to the publishing of Confessional Lutheran materials and to the promotion of our materials and similar materials published by others. 

The In Terra Pax editors are particularly interested in increasing the knowledge of Lutheran laypeople by encouraging them directly, or through their pastors, to obtain and read sound doctrinal materials. 

Our recommendations are concerning books that are central to Lutheranism. This website also has downloadable Bible class material, recorded Bible classes, conference papers, and journal articles.

In Terra Pax Lutheran Publishing was created in 2019 because the traditional Lutheran publishing houses have found it not to be profitable to publish books which might not generate substantial sales. Books which are valuable to smaller audiences can therefore be delayed for long periods. 

Because of the In Terra Pax editors' interest in increasing the spiritual literacy of laypeople, we feel that a shorter turnaround time is necessary for books and other materials that meet our goals. We are seeking other authors who share our passion to work with us.

Editorial Board

Arthur A. Eggert, Ph.D. - Managing Editor

Paul R. Boehlke, Ph.D.

Geoffrey A. Kieta, M.Div. 

Jane Kohlwey, J.D. - Women's Ministry Editor

Michael J. Mandler, CPA

Joel T. Sauer, M.Div.

Scott A. Schwertfeger, M.Div.

Contact information:

Production Staff

Joan Eggert, B.S. - Editorial Assistant

Sharon Grinyer, B.S. - Family Materials Editor

Patricia Horstmeier, B.S. - Editorial Assistant

Cassandra Kieta, B.S. - Webmaster

Emily Mandler, B.S. - Editorial Assistant

Scripture quotations that are contained in the teaching documents that appear on this website are taken from the following sources

The Evangelical Heritage Version®, copyright © 2018 by the Wartburg Project. Used by permission. Evangelical Heritage Version® is a federally registered trademark of the Wartburg Project. All rights reserved.

The Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. All rights reserved.

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®. ESV®. Copyrighted © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton Illinois. Used by permission of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New Interbational Version ®. NIV®. Copyrighted © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.